
Tips to Choose a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Victims of motorcycle accidents often find it difficult to recover their losses following the crash, especially when they try to represent themselves instead of hiring an attorney. In most states, the insurance does not cover two-wheelers that leave the riders uninsured and vulnerable to heavy damage. As a result, they end up bearing the cost of expensive medical bills. Moreover, they also have to deal with the loss of pay as the injury prevents the injured from working.

This is where an attorney can play a huge role in educating you about your options with regards to compensation for damages and medical bills. Hiring a lawyer immediately after the crash can help them spring into action and gather relevant information to build up a solid case for compensation.

Well, getting a professional motorcycle accident lawyer onboard can go a long way in helping you recoup your losses due to an accident that wasn’t even your fault! Here are some tips to choose the right one for your case.

Start Looking for an Attorney Immediately

As soon as you recover from your accident, start looking for an attorney without wasting any time. It is critical to have a lawyer before you start negotiations with an insurance adjuster. It is common for people to say the wrong things to the adjuster at the time of their preliminary discussions, costing them greatly in claim valuation.

Hire a Local Lawyer

Choose a lawyer from a state or jurisdiction where the accident happened. They are aware of the state laws and also makes them more credible in front of the insurance adjuster. Most importantly, they will have the local insight that will prove valuable to your claim. Start with looking for injury lawyers in your area of jurisdiction.

Appoint an Attorney with Experience in Injury Claims and personal injury law

Injury laws are a complex affair that requires experience and in-depth knowledge to attain reasonable settlement. The skill of negotiating the right claim amount is not something taught in books, it comes with experience in handling the similar type of cases over the years. Be sure to check your potential lawyer’s proficiency in injury claims before hiring them.

Conduct Your Due-Diligence

Don’t just willy-nilly hire anyone that comes up on an online search. Go deeper in your research. Have a list of at least 3-5 lawyers from your jurisdiction, to begin with. The next step is to evaluate them on the basis of experience, reputation, professional ethics, and conduct. Most top lawyers are graded by independent research firms. You need to find a lawyer that has been graded well in their area of expertise, personal injury law in your case.

Check their Reviews

Apart from looking into their professional background, you should also conduct more research to determine what their previous clients have to say about them. Client testimonials can give you a comprehensive look at a lawyer’s professional attitude. However, don’t let one negative review impair your judgment. Read through all the reviews to get a general idea about the lawyer’s professionalism.

Start Consulting the Shortlisted Attorneys

Once you have a list of attorneys, ask for an appointment to discuss the matter with each shortlisted lawyer. In an ideal situation, the first consultation should be obligation free. It is always advised to ask for quotes at this stage. Make sure the attorney is transparent in their pricing. However, it is a common practice for personal injury claim lawyers to take a percentage of the amount recovered. Hence, don’t be surprised if they don’t give you a quote up front.

Steer Clear of Aggressive Lawyers

A lawyer that emphasizes the importance of aggression in negotiating a claim is the one you need to beware of. Overly aggressive lawyers can lead your case to trial which can be time-consuming, expensive, and completely unnecessary. In most cases, a seasoned attorney is able to settle the case without the need for ever going to trial. They usually know how to strike a bargain and structure your case from the very beginning.

If, after all the due diligence, the law firm does not feel right, then listen to that inner voice and keep looking. It is important to work with people who are synergistic. A knowledgeable and talented professional gives you the confidence that you are doing the right thing and that you have their support till the matter is laid to rest. If they are sincerely concerned for your best interest, it will show in their interaction.